So, basically I am horrible at updating this blog or keeping a journal of any sorts. This short trip to New York City happened on our way back from Europe. Since we were flying into New York before going home to Utah, we decided to make a trip out of it and see the big city. It was my first time so Robby was my tour guide. We were also lucky that Robby's mom flew into NYC at the same time that we were there. Since she's a flight attendant, she got us an awesome deal at the hotel she was staying at in the heart of the city.

After settling in and playing with the gadgets in the hotel, we went to Carnegie Deli for lunch. If you're ever in New York City...don't miss it! It was great, but little did we know that one plate could have easily fed all three of us!

The rest of the afternoon was spent leisurely roaming the streets of NYC and Time Square. We got some chocolate at the M&M store. Robby bought me a new watch from Fossil that I was eyeing in Europe. And we ended the night at a little Japanese restaurant close to our hotel. It's good to be back on this continent!

You seem to have the best pictures of everything! The food always looks amazing. We can't wait to see pictures of your new place in Hawaii and hear about how things are going!