Sunday, October 5, 2014

Gorgas Park

Went to Gorgas Park with Carson's friends Penny, Mckay, and Owen. Carson found a toy car and decided he wanted to play with the car more than his friends. Car-obsessed I tell ya.

[18 months + 1 week]

Bath Time Fun!

Bath time is always a treat with this little monkey. Not sure if introducing him to bubbles was a good idea though because he always has to have them now. He can say "bobbles" like a big boy and passes me the bottle of bubbles as soon as he gets in the tub. He loves teasing me and making stinking cute faces at me when I take pictures of him!

[18 months + 1 week]

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Apple Picking in New Jersey

 Our friends Devi and Matt invited us to go apple picking with them last week. Carson stuffed himself silly munching on all sorts of apples. We tried Empires, Cortlands, Granny Smiths, Golden Delicious, Romes, and more! They were all so delicious straight off the tree. We ended up also picking some peaches. They were SO juicy and sweet. Wished we had saved more room for those yummy peaches! We seriously love living in a place where we can drive fifteen minutes just to get to another state. The New Jersey suburbs was such a nice breath of fresh air from city life. We'll be back again for pumpkins when it gets cooler!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Big Brother

Carson's going to be a big brother!
With December fast approaching, we are getting ourselves ready to become a family of four. We are so excited to meet our little guy and for Carson to have a best friend. 
Only 95 more days to go...eeeks!