Our original plans to visit Vancouver with my mom and Tiffany after graduation morphed into a week-long vacation in Seattle. For those of you that don't know, I didn't receive my travel docs from the USCIS in time--bad planning and too much optimism on my part. But hey, we got to see Jordan, Amanda, and the kiddos, plus everything Seattle has to offer. Armed with only Robby's "nose" (no GPS!), we conquered the city and have both decided that we don't need to be back for a while. Nevertheless, it was a very fun and spontaneous trip!
Tuesday, April 24
Arrived in Seattle way past dinnertime. We were both starving and Robby had planned a "surprise dinner" for us. The Crab Pot was delicious! Highly recommend.

Wednesday, April 25
Jordan and Amanda graciously allowed us to sleep on their porch for a few days. Just kidding! They gave us a bed...with pillows too! We ate and we played, and then we ate some more. We always eat so much when we're with them! But so worth it. Our first day was spent at Pike's Market. They even took us out to a yummy place called "Saimin Says" for my graduation/birthday dinner. How nice are they?!

Thursday, April 26
Kerry Park and Happy Hour at Japonessa!

Friday, April 27
Amanda and the kids were crazy enough to go on a shopping trip to the Tulalip Premium Outlets literally a few hours before they had to catch a plane to Utah! We had so much fun though between caramel apples and Eli doing the "jerk"!

Saturday, April 28
Our first day on our own. We braved the ridiculously overpriced downtown parking and did the Underground Tour. LOVED IT and we learned so much! After the tour, Robby's stomach led us Ivar's (third time this trip!) for some must-have fish n' chips, calamaris, and clam chowder. Immediately following, Robby's cousin Rachelle who lives in Seattle took us to Ride the Ducks. We ended our eventful day at Molly Moon's where I had two delicious scoops of honey lavender and earl gray ice cream. (:

Sunday, April 29
Ariel and Scott drove down from Richmond to come visit us! Shopped, walked, and ate til we dropped. Literally.

Monday, April 30
By this point, we were ready to be done with Seattle. We had already gone to Pike's Market too many times, paid too much for parking, and ate a whole year's worth of good food. Our very last stop was at the Pacific Science Center, mainly because we wanted butterflies to land on our shoulders.

Tuesday, May 1
We left Seattle on my birthday. Robby surprised me in the morning with a pair of knock-off Toms and tickets to the Jason Mraz concert...in Hawaii! It was a great morning; however, we did spend the entire day on a plane or in an airport. We got home at midnight and went straight to bed. Here's a picture of our trusty, upgraded rental car just for kicks.
Whew! Longest post ever!
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