He FINALLY let me cut his hair! The last time I cut his hair was before the cruise, so it's been almost 6 weeks. Of course, it was getting a little out of hand. I forgot to take a real before picture. By the time I remembered, I had already buzzed the sides. But you can still see how long it was!Earlier that morning, we went to Tye's (Trevor & Sherry's adorable baby) baby blessing. I'm bummed that I forgot to get a picture of him in his cute baptism outfit! After sacrament meeting, the Nelsons' had a little luncheon at their place. We stayed after everyone else (except for Jarom & Timbre) had left and watched the Women's World Cup game between U.S and Japan. We were all rooting for the U.S. The game was tied 2-2 after extra time, but ultimately the U.S. lost 3-1 in the penalty shoot-out.
After seeing some grills at the park during Lisa's party on Saturday, Robby had the great idea of buying steaks and grilling them for our Sunday dinner. We went at around 7 in the evening and the weather and lighting was perfect.We had steaks for dinner complete with flowers, drinks, and cupcakes. Just for the record, Robby wanted to bring the flowers!
Thanks for the delicious and fun dinner! Can we do this everyday? Please???
yaaaa...so much for NOT drinking soda...