...or teeny tiny baby news?
Yes, you heard right. We're having a baby! Can't believe it huh? Well, neither could we. If all goes according to plan (which it rarely does), this little one will be making his or her debut on March 20th of next year just in time for Robby's dad's birthday or 4 days before Robby's birthday.
This next part is all for my own record-keeping, so feel free to skip!
We found out I was pregnant back in July when I started feeling really awful. At first, Robby kept telling me to drink more water because I have a tendency of becoming dehydrated from not drinking any water all day. I really don't know why I do it! Thirst is just not something I feel until I start feeling sick. Anyway, dehydration wasn't the problem. I started feeling nauseous all the time even after drinking cups and cups of water. I seriously thought I had a bad case of the stomach flu. After almost 10 days of feeling icky, Robby finally said it. Maybe you're pregnant. I didn't want to believe him since I was on the pill. He went out and bought a couple pregnancy tests anyway. The first one came back positive. I was still in denial. The test was probably wrong. He told me later that he already knew it wasn't wrong, but decided to let me be for a while. A week later, I took the other pregnancy test and it came back positive again. This time, I cried. I was scared, frustrated, disappointed, shocked, confused, and most of all afraid of how Robby would react. We had talked about when we both wanted to have kids and had decided that a few years after he started med school would be the ideal time. What was happening no doubt changed our plans big time. I'm not sure why I had expected him to react poorly, but he didn't. He was perfect. He held me while I cried for hours and reassured me that this was Heavenly Father's plan and not ours. What made everything so much better was when he told me that he was so excited to be having a baby with me. Then I was mostly just scared. I have no idea what I'm doing! Robby has been such a rock for me these past few months. Despite his busy work and study schedule, he still managed to schedule all my doctor's appointments, cook, clean, and find time to spend with me.
Looking back, those crazy emotional episodes must've been those darn hormones kicking in. We are so, so happy and excited now to have this little stinker join our family! We couldn't be more blessed.
We're currently 18 weeks along, but here's baby at 12 weeks, alive and kickin'!