Saturday, April 30, 2011

Week Long Graduation Celebration

Commencement. April 22, 2011
Robby's graduation was a big deal. He graduated with an undergraduate degree in Exercise Science with a Pre-Med emphasis. His parents both flew from Hawaii to attend his graduation ceremonies. Lucky us, because we got a week's worth of fun and good food. The night after Commencement, we ate at the Bombay House in Provo.
Convocation. April 24, 2011
Convocation was where he actually walked and received his diploma. His parents, Mia, Shaun, Missy, Meagan, and all the kids were there. He was showered with leis and even got to choose AGAIN where we were going to have dinner. Not complaining though, because he chose Ruby River. Definitely not complaining at all.
Congratulations sweetie!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Very Own Graduate

As Cynthia would say...


(unfortunately the announcer was not half as talented)

You did it! I love you.